
The Love of my Life!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Brr ... doesn't even begin to cover it! Today is a snow day for me - well, not exactly snow day, but Cold Day! Yesterday morning was fun leaving home - the sidewalks and streets were covered with a beautiful layer of black ice courtesy of the freezing rain that fell and kept falling as we drove to school. I had to keep the heat up full blast and the windshield wipers going or the ice formed on the windshield. It was crazy. During the day the temperature kept dropping and snow fell. In all we probably have 3 or 4 inches. Not alot, but the temps are below zero and when we woke up the windchill was -33. Yech!

It reminds me of growing up in Iowa - I remember walking to Church and having to walk on the grass because the sidewalks were too icy. In college, over Christmas break (I stayed up there), I was walking to work - about 3/4 mile - and half way there I had icicles on my eyelashes and booger cicles hanging from my nose. It was COLD! I also remember a day my first year of teaching when the principal called to say we had no school. I went to the window and thought she was crazy as there was no snow. However, later in the day when I went to attempt a walk to the post office, I could not get off our property as the ice was so thick it made even walking on the grass a slippery mess.

So, today, on our COLD day, Ryan and I are going to make valentines, cookies, and banana bread. I'm also thinking there will be some playing and coloring as well and I'm going to try to sneak in an episode of Gilmore Girls. Stay warm!

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